August 18, 2021

The programme for the Cheltenham Literature Festival in England has been launched and we are thrilled that WORD is participating!

The Cheltenham Literature Festival is one of the biggest in the world, and like our partners Edinburgh International Book Festival, they have adapted remarkably to the new world with a hybrid festival – combined live and online events.

Their series Read the World includes international authors beaming into the festival. One of the events is New Zealand Writers: Directors’ Picks.

“Travel from New Zealand may be off the cards for the moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hear from brilliant Antipodean writers. With the support of Creative New Zealand’s Global Wayfinding Programme, we’re delighted to partner with three major New Zealand literary festivals: Auckland Writers Festival, Verb Wellington and WORDChristchurch. The Directors of each Festival (Anne O’Brien, Claire Mabey and Rachael King) have hand-picked a standout writer from their recent programmes: Ruby Solly(Tōku Pāpā), Elizabeth Knox (The Absolute Book) and Mohamed Hassan (National Anthem) and will present a short interview with each.”

The interviews will go online some time during the festival dates, 8–17 October and you can check out the full programme here.


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